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Associate Records of Same Object Type

Same object associations give customers the ability to associate a CRM record to another record of the same object type e.g. a contact to a contact or a deal to a deal. These new associations are available for contacts, companies, deals, tickets and custom objects and can be leveraged across core HubSpot tools. 

Users can now create associations between records of the same type for contacts, companies, deals, tickets and custom objects. On each record, you’ll see a new section in the right sidebar which reflects the type of record you’re on e.g. you’ll see a contacts section while on a contact record. Watch a short video to see this in action!

Associate Records of Same Object

Feedback Submissions Tagging

This allows you to easily categorize your customer feedback so that you can identify the common themes and act on them to address your customers' concerns. Previously, the only way to identify feedback patterns was to export the feedback submissions, read through the feedback comments, and add a self-defined category or theme in your preferred tools such as google sheets or excel. 
With the new tagging feature, you can now create and manage your categories/themes for feedback comments right from within your HubSpot portal. Once you have created your tags, you can apply up to 10 tags to each feedback comment. You can build your own views in the feedback tool using tags as filters. This will also allow you to create lists based on specific tags and you can use those lists to follow up with your customers to address their concerns.
You can add tags directly from a feedback submission or from the “Tags” section in the left navigation of the Feedback Surveys tool.
Feedback Submissions Tagging

AI Blog Post Generator

Powered by ChatGPT (and keyword data from Semrush for Pro+ customers), you'll be able to plan and draft full high-quality, SEO-optimized blog posts that resonate with your target audience. Enter a description of a broad topic you are interested in getting more ideas about, and HubSpot will provide more specific ideas and blog titles that may resonate with your audience.

Whether you're looking to drive more traffic to your website, improve your search engine rankings, or establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry, this tool can give you a running start.

AI Blog Post Generator

Lead Management in Prospecting Workspace

HubSpot is adding a new object to Sales Hub called Leads. Leads transform how sellers can manage prospecting and qualification efforts for both inbound and outbound demand gen motions inside of HubSpot. Managing leads happens from the ‘leads’ tabs inside the prospecting workspace.

By adding a leads object to HubSpot, prospecting reps can now organize, prioritize, and engage their leads efficiently all in one place. This leads to a more effective workflow, better connections with prospective customers, and ultimately more in your pipeline. For managers and ops, managing and tracking leads inside HubSpot means better insight into sales process performance and lower data maintenance costs.

Lead Mgt in Prospecting Workspace

Property Source Information in Property History Exports

Historically, exporting a property's history has shown you the different values that records in the CRM have had for that property, and the date at which that value changed. Where this export fell short was in telling you the source of property changes. Now, additional information has been added to this export to also tell you which user and tool triggered a property change within the CRM.

You'll now have all the information to understand what users and tools within HubSpot are making changes to your data. This will increase confidence in the quality of your data, and help you take proactive steps to prevent unexpected changes from impacting your data again. 

Within property settings, click on the 'more' dropdown next to any property and select Export property history. In the pop-up, select to include property source information in your export.

Property Source

Edit Your Marketing Emails on Mobile

In this second release, marketers can go a step further and edit, schedule/reschedule and send their Regular, Automated, Blog, RSS, Follow-up and Time zone marketing emails. Within an email, you'll also be able to edit the following details: subject line, preview text, from name, from address, email campaign, subscription type, send to, Don’t send to and Don’t send to with low engagement.

When you select a specific email, you'll find three dots in the top right-hand corner of the email page details. Clicking this menu, users will see a drop-down with all the actions they can manage for this specific email. According to the email type and email status, the actions visible will vary and adapt.

Edit Mkt Emails on Mobile


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